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What is a PowerShell cmdlet?

Approaching cmdlets in a conceptual way,

  1. How are they made? Are they compiled?

  2. Is it the equivalent of a batch file for PowerShell? Is it a script or a binary?

  3. What is the structure used for storing these cmdlets?

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citn Avatar asked Jul 10 '09 19:07


People also ask

Where is cmdlet used?

The Where-Object cmdlet selects objects that have particular property values from the collection of objects that are passed to it. For example, you can use the Where-Object cmdlet to select files that were created after a certain date, events with a particular ID, or computers that use a particular version of Windows.

How do I run a cmdlet in PowerShell?

You can run it by typing powershell_iseor ise in the command line or by launching the Windows PowerShell ISE tool in the Server Manager.

What is the difference between cmdlet and function?

Cmdlets are written in a compiled . NET language, while functions (and scripts) are written in the PowerShell language. On the plus side, this makes certain developer tasks (such as P/Invoke calls, working with generics) much easier in a cmdlet.

2 Answers

A PowerShell cmdlet is a compiled piece of .NET code, more precisely a single class if I am not mistaken. Cmdlets are kind of the "native" commands in PowerShell land, being able to handle object input and output as well as usually playing nice and well with the (object-based) pipeline.

Cmdlets have no direct representation in the file system, as they are not programs or similar. They exist solely within PowerShell. You can use the Get-Command cmdlet to query all available cmdlets, functions, etc.

You can write cmdlets with a .NET language, such as C#. With PowerShell v2 there is also the possibility to write so-called advanced functions which behave similarly to cmdlets and have comparable capabilities but are interpreted PowerShell code, instead of compiled classes. This may incur a run-time overhead.

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Joey Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10


This link may help in understanding powershell cmdlet:


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Ganesh R. Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 01:10

Ganesh R.