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What is a permuted index?


I am reading Accelerated C++. I don't understand Exercise 5-1:

Design and implement a program to produce a permuted index from the following input. A permuted index is one in which each phrase is indexed by every word in the phrase.

      The quick      brown fox  jumped over the     fence The quick brown     fox                      jumped over the fence          jumped     over the fence             The     quick brown fox      jumped over     the fence                     The quick brown fox 

That explanation isn't clear to me. What exactly is a permuted index?

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Darson Avatar asked Oct 25 '10 13:10


People also ask

Why use permuted index?

Permuted index is an alphabetic list of index surrounded by its context. In the output, observe the bold words. They are alphabetically sorted and are surrounded by its context. This makes it easy for us to search a word and directly infer its usage from the surrounding context i.e. words in your case.

What is permuted title indexes?

n.An index that contains an entry for each nontrivial word in a title, with the entry words alphabetized and centered on the page surrounded by the rest of the title.

2 Answers

The term permuted index is another name for a KWIC index, referring to the fact that it indexes all cyclic permutations of the headings. Books composed of many short sections with their own descriptive headings, most notably collections of manual pages, often ended with a permuted index section, allowing the reader to easily find a section by any word from its heading. This practice is no longer common.

From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_Word_in_Context

ps: you can access wikipedia via http://www.proxify.com

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gulbrandr Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 04:09


You can find a 'live' example of a permuted index in the 7th Edition UNIX™ Programmer's Reference Manual, Vol 1 (dating back to 1979). A fragment of it (from the PDF files) is:

Extract from start of Permuted Index for 7th Edition Unix Programmer's Reference Manual Vol 1

If you look for 'account', you can find a number of related entries together. You probably wouldn't think to look for sa(1) as well as ac(1), not to mention acct(2) or acct(5) unless they were grouped together. This is the benefit of a permuted index; you can look up the key word and see it in a bigger context.

You could also look at the man page entry for the ptx(1) command in the same 7th Edition manual.

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Jonathan Leffler Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Jonathan Leffler