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What is a monospace font in iOS?




I want a monospace font for my UILabel in my iOS application.

Unfortunately, I could not find one. Even "American Typewriter" was not actually monospaced. What is a monospace font available in XCode?

like image 714
Justin Copeland Avatar asked Apr 01 '12 08:04

Justin Copeland

People also ask

What is the monospaced font in Apple notes?

The font can't be changed to a different font, either. The Apple notes app is a very basic and very limited notes app. It is Helvetica (even though it doesn't say), and the monospaced font (which definitely isn't Helvetica).

What is an example of a monospaced font?

The system fonts Courier, Menlo, and Consolas are examples of monospaced fonts , so named because every character is the same width. When the characters vary in width, the font is called proportional .

What does monospace mean in fonts?

A monospaced font, also called a fixed-pitch, fixed-width, or non-proportional font, is a font whose letters and characters each occupy the same amount of horizontal space. This contrasts with variable-width fonts, where the letters and spacings have different widths.

What is the standard monospace font?

Summary. The only monospaced TrueType fonts shipped by Microsoft are Courier New, which shipped with Windows 3.1, and Lucida Sans Typewriter, which was included in the TrueType Font Pack.

What are the best monospaced fonts for iOS?

Several iOS built-in fonts have monospaced digit characters, including the system default Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Verdana, American Typewriter, Chalkboard SE, Copperplate, Gill Sans, Marker Felt, Trebuchet MS (and probably more)

How to access system fonts in monospaced?

You can access system fonts in monospaced with the following Fontfactory method: static func system(Font.TextStyle, design: Font.Design) -> Font Example: let monospacedBody = Font.system(.body, .monospaced)

Why are monospaced fonts bad for your blogs?

Since most digital media doesn’t use monospaced fonts, it can be challenging for the human brain to recognize a complete word at a glance, but it’s possible with proportional fonts. Besides blogs, monospaced fonts also won’t work with addresses, measurements in recipe books, textbooks, notebook covers, and other designs and print media.

What is the system font for iOS?

This sans-serif typeface is the system font for iOS, macOS, and tvOS, and includes a rounded variant.

1 Answers

iOS mono-spaced fonts

Courier   Courier-Bold   Courier-BoldOblique   Courier-Oblique   CourierNewPS-BoldItalicMT   CourierNewPS-BoldMT   CourierNewPS-ItalicMT   CourierNewPSMT   Menlo-Bold   Menlo-BoldItalic   Menlo-Italic   Menlo-Regular 

iosfonts.com maintain a list of all iOS fonts.

This webpage detects your installed system fonts and returns a fairly comprehensive list.

like image 166
Reggie Pinkham Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Reggie Pinkham