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What is a good Sidekiq-like job system for node.js?

(Most of the questions asked here about this subject are a bit old, and I was wondering what had change in the Node ecosystem it all those years.)

I'm basically looking to implement a job queue in an app of mine in node.js. I've heard about and seen Sidekiq in action in the Ruby world and how great of a job it does, and was wondering if something similar existed in node.

Workers will be written in Javascript so it doesn't have to be polyglot (it's great if it is, but definitely not a requirement).

A big plus would be an easy way to visualize the jobs currently running, those that failed etc.

What do you guys use? What lib/service do you know about that fits these requirements?

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Guillaume Flandre Avatar asked Mar 04 '16 08:03

Guillaume Flandre

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Scale your app with Ruby's fastest job system, up to 20x faster than the competition! " We’ve been super happy with Sidekiq Enterprise and wish we’d made the switch sooner." " Sidekiq let us stop worrying about queues and focus on our app. Half a billion jobs later and it's holding up great."

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1 Answers

Try https://github.com/taskrabbit/node-resque.

Resque and Sidekiq share the same data structures. In node, getting multiple jobs to process at once is very simple.

like image 168
Evan Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 01:10
