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What is a good open source pastebin in Python or Perl? [closed]

I'm looking for an open-source pastebin web-application written in either Python or Perl. I need it in order to implement a web-based specialized editor for my own needs, and I want to borrow code / ideas from the pastebin since I don't have much experience in web programming.

Can you point to one (or a few) ?

Thanks in advance

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Eli Bendersky Avatar asked Oct 20 '08 14:10

Eli Bendersky

3 Answers

Pastebot may be one of the original pastebins and is distributed on CPAN and developed in github and/or gitorious these days.

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Rocco Caputo Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 15:09

Rocco Caputo

I like pastebot, which powers http://paste.pocoo.org/ (for example). It's Perl and uses POE.

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moritz Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 15:11


Lodgeit is written in Python and is a nice pastebin

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Florian Bösch Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 16:11

Florian Bösch