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What is a good method for sharing source code among 3-4 developers that does NOT require it to be Open Source?

I'm a newbie developers and building an application with 3 other remote developers. I've only worked alone until now, and now I need a way to share my source code with the other developers on the project. All of the project sites out there (SourceForge, Codeplex, Google, etc) seem to be aimed at Open Source development I'm not interested in making our code available to the world, I'm just looking for a method of sharing the code among the four of us. What is the best known method...or how is this usually accomplished?

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Whozumommy Avatar asked May 05 '09 04:05


People also ask

How do you share a source code safely?

If your source code is confidential, make sure you encrypt the file before sending. Email and other services are essentially public and can be read by potentially anyone. We recommend the use of GnuPG (Gnu Privacy Guard) based on the PGP standard. For Mac we recommend gpgtools, for windows there is gpg4win.

Which type of software source code can be freely used changed and shared?

Linux and open source Because Linux is released under an open source license, which prevents restrictions on the use of the software, anyone can run, study, modify, and redistribute the source code, or even sell copies of their modified code, as long as they do so under the same license.

Which is better open source or closed source?

– Cost: Open-source software tends to be free, so it's usually the best choice for individual users. The closed source can cost more, as it has to be designed for the user's needs. – Service: Closed source software is the winner here, as there are usually dedicated service teams that can help you when things go wrong.

1 Answers

Set up a Subversion repository (can be accessed across http).

There is an excellent online free book detailing pretty much everything you need to know about Version Control with Subversion

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Mitch Wheat Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 23:11

Mitch Wheat