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What is a glom?. How it is different from mapPartitions?

I've come across the glom() method on RDD. As per the documentation

Return an RDD created by coalescing all elements within each partition into an array

Does glom shuffle the data across the partitions or does it only return the partition data as an array? In the latter case, I believe that the same can be achieved using mapPartitions.

I would also like to know if there are any use cases that benefit from glom.

like image 711
nagendra Avatar asked Mar 02 '16 04:03


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glom ()[source] Return an RDD created by coalescing all elements within each partition into a list.

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mapPartitions() – This is precisely the same as map(); the difference being, Spark mapPartitions() provides a facility to do heavy initializations (for example, Database connection) once for each partition instead of doing it on every DataFrame row.

What is glom ()?

The glom() function returns an RDD that is created by grouping all elements within each partition into a list(called tuple as it is an immutable list). You can sort it like this - rdd = sc.parallelize([1, 2, 3, 4], 2) sorted(rdd.glom().collect()) [[1, 2], [3, 4]]

What does glom do in Python?

glom is a new approach to working with data in Python, featuring: Path-based access for nested structures. Declarative data transformation using lightweight, Pythonic specifications. Readable, meaningful error messages.

1 Answers

Does glom shuffle the data across partitions

No, it doesn't

If this is the second case I believe that the same can be achieved using mapPartitions

It can:

rdd.mapPartitions(iter => Iterator(_.toArray))

but the same thing applies to any non shuffling transformation like map, flatMap or filter.

if there are any use cases which benefit from glob.

Any situation where you need to access partition data in a form that is traversable more than once.

like image 134
zero323 Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 09:10
