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What is a Client Connection with User: None , Host: None , Name: compress_gtid_table in MySQL Workbench?

Opening up Client Connections in MySQL Workbench I noticed a suspicious looking client connection with the following details:

Name:    thread/sql/compress_gtid_table  
User:    None  
Host:    None  
DB:      None  
Schema:  None  
Command: Daemon  
Time:    [MILLIONS of seconds and constantly increasing]  
State:   Suspending  
Instrumented: YES  
Parent-Thread:  1  
Info:  Null  
Program:  None

I am not sure if I've provided enough information for an answer, but would someone happen to know what exactly is the purpose of this client connection (compress_gtid_table), could it be malicious, and why it would have such a large and continuously growing time value?

Experience level: I'm fairly new to MySQL and operate solely for basic learning purposes on a local machine. I'm not familiar with threads, gtid, or daemon.

like image 557
StackQs Avatar asked Feb 28 '17 21:02


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What is client connection in MySQL Workbench?

The client connection browser lists the active and sleeping MySQL client connections, and adds the ability to kill statements and connections, and view additional connection details and attributes.

What is Compress_gtid_table?

This thread ( compress_gtid_table ) is created whenever GTIDs are enabled on the server. And is only running when is necessary to compress the GTID table because it has too many rows. GTIDs are the id that will identify each transaction committed.

What is host in MySQL Workbench?

Hostname: The host name or IP address of the MySQL server. Note. The host name "localhost" might resolve to "127.0. 0.1" or "::1" on your host, so note this when checking permissions. For example, if a web application's user only has access to "127.0.

Is MySQL Workbench a client?

MySQL provides a GUI (graphical user interface) client application that you can use for database management. MySQL Workbench is an integrated tools environment that enables you to manage databases, run queries, and much more.

1 Answers

I know is late but I hope I can help you.

You don't have to worry.

This thread (compress_gtid_table) is created whenever GTIDs are enabled on the server. And is only running when is necessary to compress the GTID table because it has too many rows.

GTIDs are the id that will identify each transaction committed. This ids are stored in a table, that's why the number of rows can be so big and needs to be compressed.

I leave here a link for in a case you want to know more about GTIDs: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.6/en/replication-gtids-concepts.html

like image 103
David J.E. Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

David J.E.