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What is a binary artifact?

I came across this term while looking for build automation in devops, I still am unsure about what exactly this term means. Can anyone explain?

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user13315994 Avatar asked May 12 '20 10:05


People also ask

What is binary repository?

A binary repository is a tool for downloading and storing of binary files used and created in software development. It's used to store software binary packages, artifacts, and their corresponding metadata. They're different than source code repositories, as binary repositories do not store source files.

What is an Artifactory artifact?

Artifactory is a branded term to refer to a repository manager that organizes all of your binary resources. These resources can include remote artifacts, proprietary libraries, and other third-party resources. A repository manager pulls all of these resources into a single location.

What is the meaning of Artifactory?

JFrog Artifactory is a repository manager that supports all available software package types, enabling automated continous integration and delivery. Add Artifactory to your toolchain and store build artifacts in your Artifactory repository.

What is a code artifact?

CodeArtifact allows you to store artifacts using popular package managers and build tools like Maven, Gradle, npm, Yarn, Twine, pip, and NuGet. CodeArtifact can automatically fetch software packages on demand from public package repositories so you can access the latest versions of application dependencies.

1 Answers

Artifacts are usually the outcome of build processes: an output or collection of files (ex. JAR, WAR, DLL, RPM,.MD,YAML), and possibly metadata and documentation files as well.
In broader terms: Any process that is applied to a source code repository could yield an artifact.

A release is usually a collection of artifacts.

Artifacts can be stored- separately from source code(say, in Github)- in artifact repositories, or artifact/package management systems. For example: Sonatype Nexus, and Jfrog Artifactory.

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Adi Dembak Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 03:09

Adi Dembak