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What 'In [*]' mean in jupyter notebook



What does In [*] at the upper left-hand of the cell mean when running a jupyter notebook.

I know that when the cell in jupyter notebook has not been run, it shows as In[], after running the cell, it shows as In[num].

What about In [*], does it mean that this cell is running now?

enter image description here

like image 839
Haojia Avatar asked Jan 19 '17 18:01


People also ask

What is ln [] in Jupyter Notebook?

[] means the code in the cell is running and as you had asked for input from the user, the cell is waiting for receiving the input from the user. It will keep on showing the [] until you provide input and press the entre button. After pressing the entre button, the input will be stored in the name variable.

What is in and out in Jupyter Notebook?

The Notebook labels the cell with its number. The code that will be executed has the label In[ followed by the cell number, meaning Input. If there is a variable on its own at the end, that will generate an Output cell, labeled with Out[ followed by the cell number.

What does %% do in Jupyter Notebook?

Both ! and % allow you to run shell commands from a Jupyter notebook. % is provided by the IPython kernel and allows you to run "magic commands", many of which include well-known shell commands. ! , provided by Jupyter, allows shell commands to be run within cells.

What does %% capture do?

Capturing Output With %%capture IPython has a cell magic, %%capture , which captures the stdout/stderr of a cell. With this magic you can discard these streams or store them in a variable. By default, %%capture discards these streams. This is a simple way to suppress unwanted output.

1 Answers

This means that your kernel is busy. If you want to interrupt/stop the execution, go to the menu Kernel and click Interrupt.If it doesn't work, click Restart. You need to go in a new cell and press Shift + Enter to see if it worked.

like image 181
awakened_iota Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09
