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What happens to global and static variables in a shared library when it is dynamically linked?

People also ask

Can a dynamic library depend on a static library?

Yes for instance when you call windows functions from within your static lib they are normally from some dynamic library so there should be no difference.

Can a dynamic library be statically linked?

You can't statically link a shared library (or dynamically link a static one). The flag -static will force the linker to use static libraries (.

What are the differences between static and dynamic shared libraries?

What are the differences between static and dynamic libraries? Static libraries, while reusable in multiple programs, are locked into a program at compile time. Dynamic, or shared libraries, on the other hand, exist as separate files outside of the executable file.

How do dynamically linked libraries work?

A dynamically linked program has a small bit of code that maps the DLL into virtual memory, where the program can access it at runtime or load time. With this setup, the dynamically linked program doesn't have to repeatedly access physical memory to access the library.

This is a pretty famous difference between Windows and Unix-like systems.

No matter what:

  • Each process has its own address space, meaning that there is never any memory being shared between processes (unless you use some inter-process communication library or extensions).
  • The One Definition Rule (ODR) still applies, meaning that you can only have one definition of the global variable visible at link-time (static or dynamic linking).

So, the key issue here is really visibility.

In all cases, static global variables (or functions) are never visible from outside a module (dll/so or executable). The C++ standard requires that these have internal linkage, meaning that they are not visible outside the translation unit (which becomes an object file) in which they are defined. So, that settles that issue.

Where it gets complicated is when you have extern global variables. Here, Windows and Unix-like systems are completely different.

In the case of Windows (.exe and .dll), the extern global variables are not part of the exported symbols. In other words, different modules are in no way aware of global variables defined in other modules. This means that you will get linker errors if you try, for example, to create an executable that is supposed to use an extern variable defined in a DLL, because this is not allowed. You would need to provide an object file (or static library) with a definition of that extern variable and link it statically with both the executable and the DLL, resulting in two distinct global variables (one belonging to the executable and one belonging to the DLL).

To actually export a global variable in Windows, you have to use a syntax similar to the function export/import syntax, i.e.:

#define MY_DLL_EXPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllexport)
#define MY_DLL_EXPORT extern "C" __declspec(dllimport)

MY_DLL_EXPORT int my_global;

When you do that, the global variable is added to the list of exported symbols and can be linked like all the other functions.

In the case of Unix-like environments (like Linux), the dynamic libraries, called "shared objects" with extension .so export all extern global variables (or functions). In this case, if you do load-time linking from anywhere to a shared object file, then the global variables are shared, i.e., linked together as one. Basically, Unix-like systems are designed to make it so that there is virtually no difference between linking with a static or a dynamic library. Again, ODR applies across the board: an extern global variable will be shared across modules, meaning that it should have only one definition across all the modules loaded.

Finally, in both cases, for Windows or Unix-like systems, you can do run-time linking of the dynamic library, i.e., using either LoadLibrary() / GetProcAddress() / FreeLibrary() or dlopen() / dlsym() / dlclose(). In that case, you have to manually get a pointer to each of the symbols you wish to use, and that includes the global variables you wish to use. For global variables, you can use GetProcAddress() or dlsym() just the same as you do for functions, provided that the global variables are part of the exported symbol list (by the rules of the previous paragraphs).

And of course, as a necessary final note: global variables should be avoided. And I believe that the text you quoted (about things being "unclear") is referring exactly to the platform-specific differences that I just explained (dynamic libraries are not really defined by the C++ standard, this is platform-specific territory, meaning it is much less reliable / portable).