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What happens to char round-trip cast through a bool?

What does the C++ language definition promise about casting a char to bool then back to char again?

char original = 255;
bool next = original;
char final = next;

Also, what do most compilers do in this case beyond what the language guarantees?

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WilliamKF Avatar asked Jan 31 '12 15:01


People also ask

Is bool the same as char?

string char and bool are 3 data type of variable. bool use less memory space than other and have 2 only state true and false, char use only 1 byte and the max lenght is 1 character string is an array of char so it takes as much space as the character contained.

How do you cast a variable to a Boolean?

To explicitly convert a value to bool, use the (bool) or (boolean) casts. However, in most cases the cast is unnecessary, since a value will be automatically converted if an operator, function or control structure requires a bool argument.

2 Answers

This will give a value of zero or one, depending on whether the original value was zero or non-zero.

Converting to bool gives a value of true or false:

4.12 A zero value, null pointer value, or null member pointer value is converted to false; any other value is converted to true.

Converting back to char converts false to zero, and true to one:

4.7/4 If the source type is bool, the value false is converted to zero and the value true is converted to one.

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Mike Seymour Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 09:09

Mike Seymour

Integral values converted to bool result in either true or false (4.12), and bool converted to integral values results in either 1 or 0 (4.5(6)). See Chapter 4 (Standard Conversions).

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Kerrek SB Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 09:09

Kerrek SB