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What happens if you compile an empty java file?



When I compiled an empty Java file it didn't produce any class file. So I want to know how compiler react when compiling an empty Java file? I thought it should generate an empty class file in this case, but it did not. So why it didn't?

like image 841
GuruKulki Avatar asked Mar 18 '10 05:03


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2 Answers

javac starts, sees there is no class declared in the file, and finishes. In order for a .class file to be created you must at least have the class declaration in the file.

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Amir Afghani Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Amir Afghani

What most of the answers are saying is really that a class file is not a compiled java file but a binary representation of a class.

Compiling a java file could result in two class files if the java file contains two classes (although only one can be public) and that is why compiling something with zero classes will result in zero class files.

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Fredrik Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09
