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What happens if I delete dump.txt file in Android studio?

After finishing my project, I found that there is a huge (55 MB) dump.txt file inside app\build\outputs\mapping\release in android studio project. I googled and found that this is from ProGuard.

Now, my question is if I delete that file, will there be any problem? It's making my whole project size greater than 100 MB

like image 747
Bibaswann Bandyopadhyay Avatar asked Mar 14 '23 14:03

Bibaswann Bandyopadhyay

1 Answers

dump.txt is a file created by ProGuard. As stated on developer.android.com:

describes the internal structure of all the class files in the .apk file

You can safely delete the file, the important thing to remember is to save in a safe place mapping.txt as it is necessary to debug the obfuscated APK. See Decoding Obfuscated Stack Traces for more information.

like image 96
Mattia Maestrini Avatar answered Apr 02 '23 06:04

Mattia Maestrini