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What happened to android.provider.Telephony?

Does anyone know what happened to android.provider.Telephony? It is not there anymore.

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Tatyana Solovyeva Avatar asked Jan 31 '09 20:01

Tatyana Solovyeva

People also ask

What is android provider telephony?

android.provider.Telephony. The Telephony provider contains data related to phone operation, specifically SMS and MMS messages, access to the APN list, including the MMSC to use, and the service state. Note: These APIs are not available on all Android-powered devices.

What is SMS telephony in android?

Telephony.Sms.Inbox. Contains all text-based SMS messages in the SMS app inbox. class. Telephony.Sms.Intents. Contains constants for SMS related Intents that are broadcast.

What is telephony app used for?

Telephony Application Programming Interface is primarily used in controlling telephone system handsets or modems. It is also used to control voice-enabled telephony equipment like voice modems or voice-dedicated hardware.

What is telephony manager?

The android. telephony. TelephonyManager class provides information about the telephony services such as subscriber id, sim serial number, phone network type etc. Moreover, you can determine the phone state etc.

1 Answers

If you read this post from the android-developer mailing list you can see that android.provider.Telephony is part of the Open Source releases, but never included as part of the Official SDK.

Meaning you are free to view it, to gain a understanding of how the underlying system works, but you can't actually reference and compile against it in your Android application(s).

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Brian Gianforcaro Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

Brian Gianforcaro