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What guarantees are there on interleaved reads and writes?




When working with a C++ std::iostream (for example, std::fstream or std::stringstream, does the standard guarantee anything about the relationships between reads and writes performed on the same stream? That is, is it necessarily true that if I write data into a std::fstream, then try reading data out of that stream, I should see the data I've written? How about for a std::stringstream? As an example, is this guaranteed to work?

std::stringstream myStream;
myStream << "137 Hello 2.71828";

int myInt;
std::string myString;
double myDouble;

myStream >> myInt >> myString >> myDouble; // Parse as expected?

Or what about this case?

std::fstream myStream("some-file.txt", ios::in | ios::out);
myStream << "137 Hello 2.71828";

int myInt;
std::string myString;
double myDouble;

myStream >> myInt >> myString >> myDouble; // Parse as expected?

I'm asking because I recently developed a networked stream class in which reads and writes do not affect one another (since reads pull from the network and writes send across the network). That is, writing

myNetworkStream << "Hi there!" << endl;

writes across the network, while

myNetworkStream >> myValue;

reads from the network. I'm not sure that this behavior is consistent with the general contract for streams. If I had to guess, one of the following three probably holds:

  1. The iostream contract says nothing about interleaved reads and writes, or
  2. In general the iostream contract says nothing about interleaved reads and writes, but there are specific previsions in the spec governing how standard types like fstream and stringstream work, or
  3. The iostream contract does say something about interleaved reads and writes that makes my network stream class violates.

I have a copy of the spec but the section on streams is so dense and cryptic it's all but impossible to follow. If anyone could clarify exactly how iostreams are supposed to behave when you mix reads and writes, I'd really appreciate it.

like image 362
templatetypedef Avatar asked Feb 14 '11 11:02


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1 Answers

I am not sure about the chapter and verse of the C++ standard (which I don't have around to check), but I am very familiar with the C standard on the subject (which I do have around).

C99 states that a stream can be opened in read, write, or "update" mode. Only the latter mode allows both reading and writing to the same stream, but (quote):

...output shall not be directly followed by input without an intervening call to the fflush function or to a file positioning function (fseek, fsetpos, or rewind), and input shall not be directly followed by output without an intervening call to a file positioning function, unless the input operation encounters end-of-file.

I would assume the C++ standard says something similar somewhere: You have to flush or reposition the stream before "reversing" on the read/write direction.

Edit: Indeed there are two seperate pointers - which can be queried with basic_istream::tellg and basic_ostream::tellp. However, I found mention of the possibility of the two not pointing at the same position in the stream only in connection with stringstream, not for fstream. Taken together with the above statement, it makes sense that way. Still cannot point you to chapter and verse of the standard, though, sorry.

like image 135
DevSolar Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 13:11
