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What good technology podcasts are out there?



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Is podcast a technology?

We are seeing a fragmentation of traditional media — from mass broadcasting to media that is tailored to individual needs, i.e., to personalized media. This fragmentation is being fueled, in part, by podcasting — a technology that allows individuals to share their expertise and interests with others.

I like

General Software

  • Stackoverflow (perhaps too obvious)
  • Deep Fried Bytes
  • Hanselminutes
  • Software Engineering Radio (via Brenden)
  • Herding Code

Dot Net

  • Alt.NET Podcast
  • Polymorphic Podcast


  • 43 Folders

My list:


.NET Rocks!

Herding Code

Deep Fried Bytes

Spaghetti Code

The Sparkling Client

Plumbers @ Work

Polymorphic Podcast

ALT.NET Podcast

ASP.NET Podcast

Radio TFS

PowerScripting Podcast

Software Engineering Radio

stackoverflow Podcast

The Thirsty Developer

ThoughtWorks - IT Matters Podcast

Agile Toolkit Podcast

Ajaxian Podcast

Pragmatic Podcasts

Channel 9 Audio Feed

EDIT: Missed one: Elegant Code Cast

This one's not specifically about development, but Security Now from Steve Gibson and Leo Laporte is an excellent discussion of security issues. I think it's a must-listen for just about any computer user who's concerned about security, and especially for web developers who are responsible both for the security of their site and at least partially responsible for their users' security.

I love FLOSS Weekly. Another Twit Podcast where Leo and Randal Schwartz interview open source geeks. My favorite was their interview with Dan Ingalls (Smalltalk/Squeak fame). I also enjoyed their interview of Richard Hipp (SQLite).

Am I going to be downmodded for suggesting that the Stack Overflow podcast is hilariously bad as a podcast? Anywho, you can find it, and a number of not-bad podcasts at itconversations.com.

As this question asked for a "good" rather than "exhaustive" list, then this is obviously just my opinion. My opinion bounces between .NET and Java and just geek. And obvious omissions would reflect my opinion on "good". (Ahem, DNR.)

The rest of these are easily found by doing a podcast search in iTunes, or just googling (I'll do some repeating here to condense the list):

  • Buzz Out Loud (General Consumer Tech, Daily)
  • This Week in Tech (aka TWiT. Weekly Consumer Tech.)
  • The Java Posse (Weekly.)
  • Google Developer Podcast (which went long fallow, but seems to be coming back, possible renamed as the Google Code Review. Schedule uncertain, technologies vary.)
  • Hanselminutes (Usually, but not always, .NET-related)
  • MacBreak Weekly (The Mac version of TWiT)
  • Polymorphic Podcast (All .NET, usually ASP.NET)
  • Pixel8ed (All .NET, focused on UI. Same guy who does Polymorphic Podcast)
  • tech5 (Consumer Tech. Mostly a fun waste of 5 minutes because Dvorak is so... Spolsky.)

In the Stack Overflow podcast SE-radio was mentioned. It's pretty in depth.

Also if you are an aspiring JavaScript developer, the Douglas Crockford "The JavaScript Programming Language" and "Advanced JavaScript" talks on YUI Developer Theatre are excellent. There are a few other gems on the podcast too.

I listen to the javaposse regularly, they cover mostly Java, but not solely.