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What fonts are available on Android? [closed]


I know that android has a collection of fonts specifically designed by Ascender for Google, but what other fonts are available? I'm looking for a list like this one or even better this one.

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Mike Akers Avatar asked Jan 14 '10 16:01

Mike Akers

People also ask

Which fonts are used in Android?

"Roboto and Noto are the standard typefaces on Android and Chrome." From Wiki, "Roboto is a sans-serif typeface family developed by Google as the system font for its mobile operating system Android."

How do I get all the fonts on my Android?

Use adb shell ls /system/fonts to list them, or adb pull /system/fonts to transfer all of them to the connected computer (adb will create a folder named "fonts").

Which font is available on all devices?

Roboto is the default font on Android and other Google services.

Is Arial font available on Android?

Some web safe fonts are not available on Android devices such as Arial, Times New Roman and Courier New.

1 Answers

I believe the Ascender collection is the full list of fonts that come installed with Android. You can however include your own True Type fonts in your app (as long as your app isn't a Homescreen App Widget).

like image 200
Mark B Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 13:10

Mark B