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What exactly is the difference between fuse2 and fuse3?




FUSE = Filesystem in user space recommends that distros package both a fuse2 and a fuse3 (see here) and indeed they do.

What exactly is the reason for this? Is it just that the init code in fuse3 is different?

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Johannes Ernst Avatar asked Apr 09 '18 18:04

Johannes Ernst

1 Answers

The release notes for libfuse 3.0.0 appear comprehensive. Read below the heading 'Changes (since FUSE 2.9)'. Functions have been renamed for clarity, functions dropped and parameters tidied up. Here are a few examples from the release notes to give a flavour:

  • The fuse_lowlevel_new function has been renamed to fuse_session_new and no longer interprets the --version or --help options
  • fuse_loop(), fuse_loop_mt(), fuse_session_loop() and fuse_session_loop_mt() now return more detailed error codes instead of just -1. See the documentation of fuse_session_loop() for details
  • There are new fuse_session_unmount and fuse_session_mount functions that should be used in the low-level API. The fuse_mount and fuse_unmount functions should be used with the high-level API only
  • The fuse_invalidate function has been removed

Installing libfuse2 alongside libfuse3 allows applications using libfuse2 to keep working without needing to be updated straight away.

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AlThomas Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 13:11
