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What exactly is a Framework in Mac OS X? ( *.framework folders )


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Where are frameworks stored macOS?

Apple keeps frameworks in /System/Library/Frameworks/ and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/. Inside these directories are *. framework files, which are themselves a directory of computing resources (binary executables, dynamically linked libaries, headers, etc.).

What are frameworks in Macbook Pro?

The OS X frameworks provide the interfaces you need to write software for Mac. Some of these frameworks contain simple sets of interfaces while others contain multiple subframeworks.

Do you need private frameworks on Mac?

Since the private frameworks are not for public use, Apple doesn't need to give any headers or documentations away. If you're writing for AppStore, you should not use private frameworks (unless you're from Apple). The system will immediately reject your app even before the review process begins.

Ok, I know basically what a framework is in real life. I've seen some frameworks that hold some header files and a binary. Is that it? Does an OS X framework have special features other than just being a folder with headers and libraries you link to your application?