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What exactly does volley.VolleyError.NetworkError mean in android?

I am a bit confused about volley NetworkError, and about the difference between NetworkError and NoConnectionError. The doc says this about NetworkError -

Indicates that there was a network error when performing a Volley request.

What do they mean by "network error"? When is NoConnectionError raised and when is NetworkError raised?

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dizzy54 Avatar asked Aug 04 '15 06:08


1 Answers

No connection Error - you doesn't have a data connection and wi-fi Connection

Network Error - you may login with some wi-fi which is under firewall means you are connected but not able to transfer data. you are allowed to transfer only even after login manually with the firewall.

Before login to firewall the network error is displayed

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Xavier Selvaraj Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11

Xavier Selvaraj