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What exactly does the enable-background attribute do?



What exactly does the enable-background attribute do?

I read the specification but still I don't understand it.

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Leos Ondra Avatar asked Jan 25 '14 17:01

Leos Ondra

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What does enable background mean?

To use the Play Store app, you'll need to turn background data on for your device. This means apps may download data for future reference or provide you with notifications even when you're not using the app. Settings are different on each version of Android.

What does the background attribute do?

The HTML <body> background Attribute is used to specify the background-image for the document. Note: It is not supported by HTML5 Instead of using this attribute we use CSS background property. Attribute Values: It contains the value i.e URL Which specify the address of the background Image.

Which CSS property sets a background image for an element?

The background-image CSS property sets one or more background images on an element.

1 Answers

It's supposed to make the background image available to child elements of the element it's specified on for things like filter effects that blend content with the background. There may be other uses, but that's the one I know.

If you don't have it set, then technically the element can't use backgrounds created by ancestors.

The only major browser that supported it (ever) was IE10/11, so it doesn't get used very much. (It's also there as boilerplate in every Illustrator SVG export - for no good reason.)

(It's also been deprecated by all the major browsers since 2014)

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Michael Mullany Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 00:10

Michael Mullany