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What does XAP stand for?

What does XAP stand for? is it an acronym? I know what silverlight XAP file contains but dont know what it stands for.

like image 661
funwithcoding Avatar asked Jan 28 '11 14:01


People also ask

What does XAP mean?

XAP (Extensible Authoring Publishing), an old name for Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP) XAP (file format), container format for mobile apps and Silverlight web apps.

What does XAP mean in South Africa?

Used to say good, okay or alright. “The price is xap.”

1 Answers

Silverlight Application Package



The X doesn't mean anything. I've asked, too.

From what I can tell, they didn't want it to look too much like *.ZIP or *.SAP.

like image 140
Jeremiah Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10
