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What does ((void (*)(int))-1) mean? [duplicate]



I just found this.

// /usr/include/sys/signal.h // OS X
#define SIG_ERR ((void (*)(int))-1)

What does ((void (*)(int))-1) part mean?

Is it different to

#define SIG_ERR -1


like image 401
Jin Kwon Avatar asked Jun 08 '15 06:06

Jin Kwon

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When our program is simple, and it is not going to terminate before reaching the last line of the code, or the code is error free, then we can use the void main (). But if we want to terminate the program using exit () method, then we have to return some integer values (zero or non-zero). In that situation, the void main () will not work.

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However, using foo (void) restricts the function to take any argument and will throw an error. Let’s see. The above code will give us an error because we have used ‘foo (void)’ and this means we can’t pass any argument to the function ‘foo’ as we were doing in the case of ‘foo ()’.

2 Answers

This is cast to a function-pointer:

((type) value)

Where type is void (*)(int) which is pointer to function accepting one int argument and returning void, which is actually is a signature of a signal handler:

typedef void (*sighandler_t)(int);

You may decode such types with cdecl tool or web-site: http://cdecl.org/

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myaut Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 12:10


This is a cast of -1 into the function pointer which is expected as the type of SIG_ERR. Using -1 directly does not work at situations where the compiler needs the correct type.

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Rudi Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 11:10
