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What does "toast" mean?

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What does toast mean in slang?

be toast, Slang. to be doomed, ruined, or in trouble: If you're late to work again, you're toast!

What does toasting a girl mean?

A toast is offered when people share a drink and raise their glasses to offer a salutation to the subject at hand, an event or a person. Toasting a girl is much the same, depending on whether you offer a pithy, humorous introduction or a statement of affection or praise.

What does doing a toast mean?

A toast is a ritual during which a drink is taken as an expression of honor or goodwill. The term may be applied to the person or thing so honored, the drink taken, or the verbal expression accompanying the drink.

A small informational message that pops up like toast.

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It's a type of Window that "pops up" like toast:


An example of a Messenger toast is the message that appears on a user's desktop when one of the user's contacts signs in. Another example of Messenger toasts is the messages displayed when a user receives an alert from the .NET Alerts service. The following are examples of typical toasts:

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"Toast" refers to a UI feature where an event causes a small text box to appear at the bottom of the screen. The behavior seems like a piece of bread emerging from a toaster.

It is a popup alert that generally appears on the right hand side of the screen, and is usually for notifications with great importance. There is generally a cool effect with it, such as fading or stretching.

In my question, the toast pops up and fades in.

Toast is just another name for a pop-up notification, a small message that appears temporarily to communicate some information. Pop-ups referred to as “toast” are usually displayed at the bottom of the screen, and in some cases actually pop up like toast:

Message saved as draft.

Photo above from Android Developers: Toasts