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what does this ... (three dots) means in c++



It may seems a silly question, but when I try to look at this answer in SOF,

Compile time generated tables

I noted statements such as this:

    typename IntType, std::size_t Cols, 
    IntType(*Step)(IntType),IntType Start, std::size_t ...Rs
constexpr auto make_integer_matrix(std::index_sequence<Rs...>)
    return std::array<std::array<IntType,Cols>,sizeof...(Rs)> 
        {{make_integer_array<IntType,Step,Start + (Rs * Cols),Cols>()...}};

more specifically :

std::size_t ...Rs



what does ... means here?

Edit 1

The question that reported as the original question related to this question is not correct:

That question can not answer these two cases (as they are not functions with variable number of arguments)

std::size_t ...Rs

But this is a good explanation:


like image 328
mans Avatar asked Sep 30 '16 13:09


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What does 3 dots mean in C?

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What is the function of the three dots?

An ellipsis (plural: ellipses) is a punctuation mark consisting of three dots. Use an ellipsis when omitting a word, phrase, line, paragraph, or more from a quoted passage. Ellipses save space or remove material that is less relevant.

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1 Answers

Its called a parameter pack and refers to zero or more template parameters:


std::size_t ...Rs

is the parameter pack of type std::size_t. A variable of that type (e.g. Rs... my_var) can be unpacked with:


This pattern is heavily used in forwarding an (unknown) amount of arguments:

template < typename... T >
Derived( T&&... args ) : Base( std::forward< T >( args )... )
like image 175
Trevir Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 22:10
