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What does this regex mean




What I really need to know is :

  1. What does (?( mean ?
  2. What does ?: mean ?

The regex I am trying to figure out is :

(notice the above mentioned symbols in the following regex)

(?(?=and )(and )|(blah))(?:[1][9]|[2][0])[0-9][0-9]
like image 979
harshit Avatar asked Oct 17 '12 11:10


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What does this regex expression do?

Short for regular expression, a regex is a string of text that lets you create patterns that help match, locate, and manage text. Perl is a great example of a programming language that utilizes regular expressions. However, its only one of the many places you can find regular expressions.

1 Answers

(?(?=and )(and )|(blah)) pattern is used like if-then-else like (?(expression)yes|no) i.e and would be matched if and is there else blah would be matched

(?:) is a non capturing group.So it would not be included in the group or be used as back-reference \1


(?(?=and )(and )|(blah))(?:[1][9]|[2][0])[0-9][0-9]

would match

and 1900
and 2012

NOTE(it's all about the groups)

The samething can be achievend with this regex (and |blah)(?:[1][9]|[2][0])[0-9][0-9]. The only thing in which these regex differ is the number of groups formed.

So my regex would form 1 group which would contain either and or blah

Your regex would form no groups.It will form a group only if it matches blah..

like image 51
Anirudha Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 01:10
