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What does this ">>=" operator mean in C?



unsigned long set; /*set is after modified*/ set >>= 1; 

I found this in a kernel system call but I don't understand, how does it work?

like image 398
Rotom92 Avatar asked Jul 21 '13 07:07


People also ask

What does >>= mean in C?

Since >> is the binary right-shift operator, it means to shift the value in set right by 1 bit.

What does << operator mean in C?

The << operator shifts the left-hand value left by the (right-hand value) bits. Your example does nothing! 1 shifted 0 bits to the left is still 1. However, 1 << 1 is 2, 1 << 2 is 4, etc.

What does >> operator mean in C++?

The bitwise shift operators are the right-shift operator (>>), which moves the bits of shift_expression to the right, and the left-shift operator (<<), which moves the bits of shift_expression to the left.

1 Answers

The expression set >>= 1; means set = set >> 1; that is right shift bits of set by 1 (self assigned form of >> bitwise right shift operator check Bitwise Shift Operators).

Suppose if set is:

BIT NUMBER    31   n=27        m=17                 0               ▼    ▼           ▼                    ▼ set =         0000 1111 1111 1110 0000 0000 0000 0000 

Then after set >> = 1; variable set becomes:

BIT NUMBER    31   n=26        m=16                 0               ▼     ▼           ▼                   ▼ set =         0000 0111 1111 1111 0000 0000 0000 0000 

Notice the bits number shifted.

Note a interesting point: Because set is unsigned long so this >> operation should be logical shift( unsigned shift) a logical shift does not preserve a number's sign bit.

Additionally, because you are shifting all bits to right (towards lower significant number) so one right shift is = divide number by two.

check this code (just to demonstrate last point):

int main(){  unsigned long set = 268304384UL;  set >>= 1;  printf(" set :%lu \n", set);  set = 268304384UL;  set /= 2;  printf(" set :%lu \n", set);  return 1;  } 

And output:

 set :134152192   set :134152192 

(note: its doesn't means >> and / are both same)

Similarly you have operator <<= for left shift, check other available Bitwise operators and Compound assignment operators, also check section: bit expressions and difference between: signed/arithmetic shift and unsigned shift.

like image 194
Grijesh Chauhan Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 20:09

Grijesh Chauhan