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What does this mean: $foo = new $foo();?



I've never seen something like this before.

$dbTable = new $dbTable();

We are storing an Object Instance inside $dbTable ?

Are we transforming a string into an object ?

Here's the context:

protected $_dbTable;

    public function setDbTable($dbTable)
        if (is_string($dbTable)) {
            $dbTable = new $dbTable();
        if (!$dbTable instanceof Zend_Db_Table_Abstract) {
            throw new Exception('Invalid table data gateway provided');
        $this->_dbTable = $dbTable;
        return $this;

From php manual here: http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.basic.php

We can read:

If a string containing the name of a class is used with new, a new instance of that class will be created. If the class is in a namespace, its fully qualified name must be used when doing this.

But this seems to be a concatenation operation between a string and those "things": () - without using a dot. So I'm still not sure about what's going on here.

like image 710
MEM Avatar asked May 08 '11 12:05


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1 Answers

No, the line:

if (is_string($dbTable)) {

Means that a new $dbTable will only be instantiated if the input is a string. So what is going on here is that $dbTable contains the name of a class that is created when that code executes:

$dbTable = new $dbTable();

And then later on the code checks to make sure an object of the proper type (Zend_Db_Table_Abstract) is created. As Stefan points out, an instance of the class can be passed directly, in which case the code you mentioned is not even executed.

like image 72
Justin Ethier Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 17:10

Justin Ethier