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what does this lt mean in jstl?



the following code has a condition that has lt i was searching in the net but could not really understand what the lt means. Please explain. I am sure that this question will invoke me some down vote but i have no other go other than posting this here.

<c:if test="${currentPage lt noOfPages}">
            <td><a href="employee.do?page=${currentPage + 1}">Next</a></td>

Thanks and Regards

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Java Questions Avatar asked Feb 20 '23 14:02

Java Questions

2 Answers

lt is shorthand for less than or <. Being so short, I can understand that it's difficult to search for.

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Eivind Eidheim Elseth Avatar answered Apr 28 '23 05:04

Eivind Eidheim Elseth

lt is an EL operator (reserved word) - less then <

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KV Prajapati Avatar answered Apr 28 '23 04:04

KV Prajapati