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What does this line mean in Java: boolean retry = id == 1;




I have been learning Java for a while now and still learning new syntax tricks and stuff. I came across this in Android source code:

boolean retry = id == 1; 

What does it mean?

like image 354
RufusInZen Avatar asked Feb 04 '13 12:02


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1 Answers

id == 1 is a boolean expression which is true if id equals 1, and false otherwise.

boolean retry = id == 1; declares a boolean variable named retry, and assigns the value of the boolean expression id == 1 to this variable.

So it declares a boolean variable which is true if id == 1, and false otherwise.

To make it a bit clearer, you might write it that way:

boolean retry = (id == 1); 
like image 145
JB Nizet Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 19:09

JB Nizet