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What does this C# code with an "arrow" mean and how is it called?





I was trying to enable SSL in my C# client program and found the following code in this answer:

System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback +=     (se, cert, chain, sslerror) =>     {         return true;     }; 

I added the code to my program and it solved the problem, but I completely don't get how exactly it works.

The left part System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback is some callback and += modifies that callback. But what does the remaining construct mean? I spent 20 minutes searching to at least find how it is properly called and where I can find more info on how to read that, but all in vain. I suppose it is somehow related to LINQ and searched for "LINQ arrow", but didn't find anything reasonable.

How is that (blah,blah,blah)=>{return true;} construct called and where can I find more info on such constructs?

like image 705
sharptooth Avatar asked Jan 28 '11 14:01


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1 Answers

That is a lambda expression. It is a very special anonymous delegate. Basically you are defining a method and not giving a name. Its parameters are to the left of the => and the method body is to the right of the =>. In your particular case,

(se, cert, chain, sslerror) => { return true; }; 

is an anonymous method defined by a lambda expression. This particular method has four parameters

object se X509Certificate cert X509Chain chain SslPolicyErrors sslerror 

and the method body is

return true; 

It's as if you had said

class ServerCertificateValidation {     public bool OnRemoteCertificateValidation(         object se,         X509Certificate cert,         X509Chain chain,         SslPolicyErrors sslerror     ) {         return true;     } } 

and then

var validation = new ServerCertificateValidation(); System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback +=     validation.OnRemoteCertificateValidation; 

How is that (blah,blah,blah)=>{return true;} construct called and where can I find more info on such constructs?

It's called the same way that any other method is called. For example, you can do this:

Func<int, int, int> adder = (m, n) => m + n; 

Here I am defining a method that eats a pair of int and returns an int. That int is obtained by adding the values of the input parameters. It can be invoked like any other method.

int four = adder(2, 2);  

Here's an article on MSDN on lambda expressions and an article on the lambda operator. If you're really interested, the name comes from lambda calculus.

like image 192
jason Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 04:09
