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What does the `this@classname` mean in Kotlin?

I am making a custom view for Android. I am going to clone the layout by calling clone (this), but it shows error, when I use clone (this@mycustomclassname), it works.

It's still confused. Anyone knows the meaning of this@classname in kotlin?

like image 834
Li Jin Avatar asked May 14 '19 13:05

Li Jin

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What is this () in Kotlin?

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it is only relevant inside a lambda with a single parameter. It is the default name for a single parameter and is a shorthand that allows you to omit naming the single parameter. A function that is declared this way might look like this: (String) -> Unit. In a lambda, this is the receiver argument.

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1 Answers

This is a qualified this. You can access this from an outer scope.

As this can mean different things (part the referenced page):

To denote the current receiver, we use this expressions:

  • In a member of a class, this refers to the current object of that class.
  • In an extension function or a function literal with receiver this denotes the receiver parameter that is passed on the left-hand side of a dot.
like image 103
DVarga Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09
