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What does the Standard say about the namespace of lambda types?




Let's say that I have a setup like this:

namespace hi {
    template<typename L, typename R> L operator+(L l, R r) {
        // some body
    auto f() {
        return [] {}; // Legal C++14
int main() {
    auto x = hi::f();
    1 + x; // Is this legal?

The question is whether ADL on the lambda type will find the overloaded operator in that namespace by Standard.

like image 747
Puppy Avatar asked May 25 '13 18:05


1 Answers

C++11 says (5.1.2, p3) that the type of a lambda will be declared "in the smallest block scope, class scope, or namespace scope that contains the corresponding lambda-expression." So in this case, the type will be declared in f. C++14's CD has the same language.

So the question really is what the namespace for a local class is. I don't think it has one.

C++11, section 9.8, p1, states: The name of a local class is local to its enclosing scope. As such, I don't believe that it has any associated namespaces (per 3.4.2, p2), and is therefore not subject to ADL.

like image 133
Nicol Bolas Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 18:10

Nicol Bolas