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What does the option "convert to web application" do if I select it in visual studio?


What does the option “convert to web application” do if I select it in visual studio? If I do convert my site to a web application what are the advantages? Can I go back?

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minty Avatar asked Sep 17 '08 17:09


People also ask

How do I run a Web application in Visual Studio?

Start Visual Studio, on the File menu select New, and then select Project. In the New Project dialog box, select Visual Basic or Visual C# as the programming language. In the Templates pane, select ASP.NET Empty Web Application, and name the project SofiaCarRentalWebApp. Click OK to create the solution and the project.

Is Visual Studio a web application?

Visual Studio includes integrated tools to deploy your web application to any host or scale to the Microsoft Azure cloud. Publish and manage your websites and virtual machines from within Visual Studio.

2 Answers

Well, it converts your web site to a web application project. As for the advantages, here is some further reading:

MSDN comparison -- Comparing Web Site Projects and Web Application Projects

Webcast on ASP.NET -- Web Application Projects vs. Web Site Projects in Visual Studio 2008

"In this webcast, by request, we examine the differences between web application projects and web site projects in Microsoft Visual Studio 2008. We focus specifically on the reasons you would choose one over the other and explain how to make informed decisions when creating a Web solution"

The primary difference (to me) between a web application project and a web site is how things gets compiled. In web sites each page has its code-behind compiled into a separate library, whereas in web applications all code-behind gets compiled into a single library.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both, it really depends. It's also often a matter of opinion.

like image 95
Sean Gough Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 09:11

Sean Gough

Also Answered Here so go vote that answer up, not this one. Don't give me credit

There are two types of web applications in ASP.NET: The Web Site and Web Application Project. The difference between the two are discussed here:

Difference between web site and web applications in Visual Studio 2005

Convert to Website allows you to convert a Web Application Project to a Web Site.

Visual Studio 2003 used the Web Application Project style, but initially VS2005 only supported web sites. VS2005 SP1 brought back Web Applications.

If you don't want to convert your project to a web site, apply SP1 if you're using VS2005. VS2008 can support either.

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DrFloyd5 Avatar answered Nov 29 '22 11:11
