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What does the "::" mean in C++?



What does this symbol mean?

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Milad Sobhkhiz Avatar asked Mar 17 '11 21:03

Milad Sobhkhiz

People also ask

Why is :: used in C++?

The scope resolution operator ( :: ) is used for several reasons. For example: If the global variable name is same as local variable name, the scope resolution operator will be used to call the global variable. It is also used to define a function outside the class and used to access the static variables of class.

What is the difference between :: and in C++?

The :: operator is known as the scope resolution operator, and it is used to get from a namespace or class to one of its members. The . and -> operators are for accessing an object instance's members, and only comes into play after creating an object instance. You use .

What does this symbol mean C?

Copyright: ©. When you write a "C" with a circle around the letter, or use the word "copyright," you are giving notice to the public that the work is copyrighted and that you are the owner of the work.

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2 Answers

:: is the scope resolution operator - used to qualify names. In this case it is used to separate the class AirlineTicket from the constructor AirlineTicket(), forming the qualified name AirlineTicket::AirlineTicket()

You use this whenever you need to be explicit with regards to what you're referring to. Some samples:

namespace foo {   class bar; } class bar; using namespace foo; 

Now you have to use the scope resolution operator to refer to a specific bar.

::foo::bar is a fully qualified name.

::bar is another fully qualified name. (:: first means "global namespace")

struct Base {     void foo(); }; struct Derived : Base {     void foo();     void bar() {        Derived::foo();        Base::foo();     } }; 

This uses scope resolution to select specific versions of foo.

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Erik Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 02:10


In C++ the :: is called the Scope Resolution Operator. It makes it clear to which namespace or class a symbol belongs.

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maerics Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 02:10
