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What does the make() method do in Laravel?

In the Laravel documentation, I found the following - https://laravel.com/docs/5.4/container#the-make-method

but I am still confused as to what exactly the make() method does. I know the create() method uses the make() method and then persists them into the database, so does make() methods just temporarily save it in php tinker or something? Sorry, I'm Laravel noob. I'm trying to figure out these functions. Thank you! :)

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Simon Suh Avatar asked May 22 '17 23:05

Simon Suh

People also ask

What is make () In Laravel?

The make method will return an instance of the class or interface you request. Where you request to make an interface, Laravel will lookup a binding for that interface to a concrete class. E.g. $app->make('App\Services\MyService'); // new \App\Services\MyService.

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2 Answers

The make method will return an instance of the class or interface you request. Where you request to make an interface, Laravel will lookup a binding for that interface to a concrete class.


$app->make('App\Services\MyService'); // new \App\Services\MyService.

One advantage to using the make method, is that Laravel will automatically inject any dependencies the class may define in it's constructor.

E.g. an instance of the Mailer class would be automatically injected here.

namespace App\Services;

use \Illuminate\Mail\Mailer;

class MyService
    public function __construct(Mailer $mailer) {
        $this->mailer = new Mailer;
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fubar Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10


I discovered recently that when you use make (), you are installing the class and you can access the methods of that class or model, this is a useful for the Test and validate that you are getting what you want Example: User model

class User extends Authenticatable
public function getRouteKeyName ()
         return 'name';

Test user

class UserTest extends TestCase
  public function route_key_name_is_set_to_name ()
       $ user = factory (User :: class) -> make ();
       $ this-> assertEquals ('name', $ user-> getRouteKeyName ());
       // When you access the getRouteKeyName method you get the return, that is 'name'

On the other hand if you use "create" that would give an error because you are creating a user

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Mau Web Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10

Mau Web