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What does the expression "Fail Early" mean, and when would you want to do so?

What does the expression "Fail Early" mean, and under what circumstances is this approach most useful, and when would you avoid the approach?

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Andrew Grimm Avatar asked May 10 '10 23:05

Andrew Grimm

People also ask

What does fail early fail often mean?

Fail Early | The belief is that if it is possible to learn from failure then the sooner the failure occurs, the sooner the learning begins. By failing early, you can create something useful and deliver it to the consumer as soon as possible.

What does fail fast mean in agile?

Fail fast is the principle of freely experimenting and learning while trying to reach the desired result. By quickly finding the failures, you can catapult learning and optimize solutions instantly to reach your goal. The concept of fail fast is strongly connected to the Agile methodology.

What is the meaning and purpose of fail fast?

Fail fast is a philosophy that values extensive testing and incremental development to determine whether an idea has value. An important goal of the philosophy is to cut losses when testing reveals something isn't working and quickly try something else, a concept known as pivoting.

What does fail fast mean in terms of exception handling Why is it a good practice?

Failing fast is a nonintuitive technique: “failing immediately and visibly” sounds like it would make your software more fragile, but it actually makes it more robust. Bugs are easier to find and fix, so fewer go into production. a default value, everything will seem fine.

2 Answers

Essentially, fail fast (a.k.a. fail early) is to code your software such that, when there is a problem, the software fails as soon as and as visibly as possible, rather than trying to proceed in a possibly unstable state.

Fail Fast
by Jim Shore
edited by Martin Fowler

Fortunately, there’s a simple technique that will dramatically reduce the number of these bugs in your software. It won’t reduce the overall number of bugs, at least not at first, but it’ll make most defects much easier to find.

The technique is to build your software to “fail fast.”

Immediate and visible failure

Some people recommend making your software robust by working around problems automatically. This results in the software “failing slowly.” The program continues working right after an error but fails in strange ways later on.

A system that fails fast does exactly the opposite: when a problem occurs, it fails immediately and visibly. Failing fast is a nonintuitive technique: “failing immediately and visibly” sounds like it would make your software more fragile, but it actually makes it more robust. Bugs are easier to find and fix, so fewer go into production.

Also note the related concept of a fail-fast iterator - an iterator that, after certain modifications to the collection outside of the iterator, throws as soon as possible rather than proceed in a potentially unstable, or non-deterministic state.

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Bert F Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 09:10

Bert F

"Fail Early" means that the program should raise an exception and stop working if something goes wrong. (It is described in the Pragmatic Programmer's list of tips as Crash Early)

In my bioinformatics work, I tend to use a "Fail Early" approach because my highest concern is ensuring correctness. By contrast, Rails allows you to hide failures. For example, Rails' try allows you to call something on an object, and it won't raise an exception if that object is nil. I guess this is because with web sites, ensuring that the program keeps running is more important than correctness.

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Andrew Grimm Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 09:10

Andrew Grimm