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What does the colon mean in struct declarations in C?




Reading the code of TeXmacs, I saw this:

struct texmacs_input_rep : concrete_struct {

What does that mean?

This syntax is defined in the C standard, p113, but I didn't find the meaning of it, but that's because I don't know how to read grammar rules.

Because concrete_struct is another struct, that contains functions looking like a constructor and a virtual destructor, and because I read elsewhere that classes in C++ are actually struct with public members by default, I guess that this is the way of doing inheritance with struct in C (because it is the C standard...).

Is this correct?

like image 625
Gzorg Avatar asked Nov 03 '09 10:11


2 Answers

It is C++ syntax and equivalent to this:

class texmacs_input_rep : public concrete_struct {

This is the normal syntax for inheritance of classes, here texmacs_input_rep is inherited from concrete_struct.

About that syntax in C:

The C-Standard you linked to defines (

    struct-or-union identifieropt { struct-declaration-list }
    struct-or-union identifier


So according to C it must be struct, followed by an optional identifer, followed by {. Or only struct followed by an identifer (a forward declaration). In neither case there is room for an additional : ... in there.

The : mentioned later in that paragraph of the standard is about bit-field widths, like this;

struct foo {
  unsigned a : 4;
  unsigned b : 3;

Here a and b are only 4 and 3 bits wide, but that's different syntax than in the question.

like image 146
sth Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 16:09


GCC doesn't like it (in C mode of course).

And looking at the spec, I don't see that defined at page 113 (, it says :

    declarator_opt : constant-expression

which is the syntax for bitfields like this :

struct blah {
    int a : 4;
    int b : 4;

So in summary: this is not C, it's C++ and it's inheritance like class inheritance.

like image 29
246tNt Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09
