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What does the C# operator => mean?




Answers to a recent post (Any chances to imitate times() Ruby method in C#?) use the => operator in the usage examples. What does this operator do? I can't locate it in my C# book, and it is hard to search for symbols like this online. (I couldn't find it.)

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Mr. Mark Avatar asked Oct 07 '08 13:10

Mr. Mark

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What does the operator do in C?

C language supports a rich set of built-in operators. An operator is a special symbol that tells the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical operations. Operators in programming languages are taken from mathematics.

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1 Answers

It's not really an operator as such, it's part of the syntax for lambda expressions. In particular => is the bit which separates the parameters from the body of the lambda expression.

Does your book cover C# 3.0? If not, it won't include lambda expressions. If it does, it should really cover them! Hopefully with the right terminology, you'll be able to find it in the TOC or index.

EDIT: A bit more information: A lambda expression is a piece of syntactic sugar to either create an instance of a delegate or an expression tree (the latter being new to .NET 3.5). Lambda expressions almost entirely replace anonymous methods (from C# 2.0) although they don't support the notion of "I don't care about the parameters" in the way that anonymous methods do.

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Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 18:10

Jon Skeet