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What does the author mean by "Platform Layer"



I was reading this article "http://lethain.com/introduction-to-architecting-systems-for-scale/". In the end, the authors mentions platform layer. I don't understand the scope of this layer and its advantages. Could you please clarify?


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ruskin Avatar asked Jun 22 '11 18:06


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1 Answers

There are 3 benefits of this layer listed after the diagram.

I can give an example to help. Say you have a web site that serves some pages and does some very heavy calculations for some requests.

If both of these functions were on the web server, then a calculation could slow the response time of the web pages. Having it on a seperate server avoids this problem.

In our architecture drawings we call this layer the application server or business layer rather than the platform layer. We call Azure or the .net framework a platform.

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Shiraz Bhaiji Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09

Shiraz Bhaiji