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What does the @ symbol do in Vue.js?



I am new to Vue.js and I am looking at someone's code. I noticed they are using the @ symbol. What does this do and what is it used for?

export default {
  methods: {
    handleCreate() {
      console.log('Child has been created.');

  <ChildComponent @created="handleCreate" />

// ChildComponent
export default {
  created() {
like image 882
Whymess Avatar asked Oct 10 '19 00:10


People also ask

What is at symbol in VueJS?

In your case, the @ symbol, symbol is shorthand for v-on . It can also be used when importing to resolve things.

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1 Answers

In your case, the @ symbol, symbol is shorthand for v-on. It can also be used when importing to resolve things.

like image 126
Foxhound Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 21:10
