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what does the "2"mean in SQL*Plus?

I am new to Oracle. And I have come across a problem.

Firstly,I want to check the privileges of the sysman account:

SQL>  select * from dba_sys_privs where grantee='sysman';

no rows selected

I know that it means there is no content in my view dba_sys_privs. But anyway,I have aready built a database. So, I try again, just shortening the statement:

SQL>  select * from dba_sys_privs

So here are my two questions:

  1. what happened to my database? I have already set up a database
  2. what does the "2" mean? Does it mean the next row or something else?
like image 646
kaiwii ho Avatar asked Oct 09 '11 01:10

kaiwii ho

1 Answers

You have entered a new line character (pressed return) without entering a statement termination i.e. ;. Compare your second statement with the first one you posted. So yes, the 2 means the client is awaiting further input.

To run the second statement, simply enter a slash /

As for why your first statement returned no rows, in Oracle database object names (including users) are in upper-case.

select * from dba_sys_privs where grantee='SYSMAN';
like image 108
APC Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 11:10