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what does sp_tablecollations_100 do?

Just before a bulkinsert (SqlBulkCopy) I see a

excec sp_tablecollations_100 N'.tb_tablename'

in the profiler

What does this do? Is it a sign of a problem or is it normal?

Thanks for your help


the bulik insert afterwards show with the COLLATION in the insert statement. It is working fine, just wondering if this is 'normal behaviour' or that the COLLATE in the bulk insert is somehow affecting performance?

insert bulk tb_dvr_patient ([geboortejaar] VarChar(4) COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS,...
like image 242
Pleun Avatar asked Mar 14 '11 14:03


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1 Answers

I was curious myself so I had a look at the SQL code behind the stored proc and it is this:-

ALTER procedure [sys].[sp_tablecollations_100]
    @object nvarchar(4000)
        colid               = s_tcv.colid,
        name                = s_tcv.name,
        tds_collation       = s_tcv.tds_collation_100,
        "collation"         = s_tcv.collation_100
        sys.spt_tablecollations_view s_tcv
        s_tcv.object_id = object_id(@object, 'local')
    order by colid

Seems that it just tells you the collation for the columns on that table.

Does that help?


like image 138
Richard Adnams Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 13:09

Richard Adnams