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What does SCM mean in Jenkins



I have an option (a plugin?) called "Poll SCM" in Jenkins and I know what it does and how to use it. Please tell me what "SCM" stands for. Is it "Source Code Management", "Sync Code [something]"?


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Piotr Wasilewicz Avatar asked Jan 20 '17 07:01

Piotr Wasilewicz

People also ask

What is SCM checkout in Jenkins?

Since the Jenkinsfile is pulled from the source repo, “checkout scm” provides an easy way to access right revision of source code. Here, “checkout” variable will checkout the source from source repo and it accepts the scm variable which instructs the checkout step to clone the specific revision.

What is SCM polling in Jenkins?

"Poll SCM" polls the SCM periodically for checking if any changes/ new commits were made and shall build the project if any new commits were pushed since the last build, whereas the "build" shall build the project periodically irrespective to whether or not any changes were made.

What is SCM change in Jenkins?

It means that someone checked in code changes to your version control system / software configuration management (CVS, SVN, Git, etc), and Hudson started a built based on that change.

What is multiple SCM in Jenkins?

Multiple SCMs WikiThis plugin enables the selection of multiple source code management systems for a build. For example, it enables checking out the source code from one SCM while checking out legacy or third-party code from another.

1 Answers

SCM = Source Control Management

From jenkin's tutorial

Section: Create your Pipeline project in Jenkins

Step 6: From the Definition field, choose the Pipeline script from SCM option. This option instructs Jenkins to obtain your Pipeline from Source Control Management (SCM), which will be your locally cloned Git repository.

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omgmakeme Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
