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What does "pending" mean for request in Chrome Developer Window?

What does "Pending" mean under the status column in the "Network" tab of Google Chrome Developer window?

This happens when my page script issues a GET request whose response contains content-headers for downloading a CSV file:

Content-type: text/csv; Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=myfile.csv 

This works fine in FF and IE7, downloading a CSV file as expected and opening a file picker to save the file, but Chrome does nothing. I confirmed that the server responds to the request, so it appears that Chrome will not process the response.

Curiously, all works as expected if I type the URL into Chromes address bar and hit .

FYI: Chrome 10.0.648.204 on Win-XP

like image 879
Lawrence I. Siden Avatar asked Apr 07 '11 18:04

Lawrence I. Siden

People also ask

Why http request is pending?

Current behavior The request is put in a pending state, this seems to happen with the version 4.3. 1 and Chrome 59. After refreshing the page and making the request again same issue, however sometimes the request is processed. When the request is in the pending status the back server is not being hit.

How do I stop a chrome request?

There is a simple trick I use. Pressing F5 while in the tab immediately followed by ESC. XHR requests still active by chrome are canceled before the new answer is loaded.

1 Answers

In my case, I found that the "pending" status was caused by the AdBlock extension. The image that I couldn't get to load had the word "ad" in the URL, so AdBlock kept it from loading.

Disabling AdBlock fixes this issue.

Renaming the file so that it doesn't contain "ad" in the URL also fixes it, and is obviously a better solution. Unless it's an advertisement, in which case you should leave it like that.

like image 172
Robin Daugherty Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 12:10

Robin Daugherty