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What does "..." mean when next to a parameter in a go function declaration?


I was going through some code written in Google's Go language, and I came across this:

func Statusln(a ...interface{}) func Statusf(format string, a ...interface{}) 

I don't understand what the ... means. Does anybody know?

like image 968
Chaos Avatar asked Apr 12 '12 17:04


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short declaration operator. var is a lexical keyword present in Golang. := is known as the short declaration operator. It is used to declare and initialize the variables inside and outside the functions. It is used to declare and initialize the variables only inside the functions.

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1 Answers

It means that you can call Statusln with a variable number of arguments. For example, calling this function with:

Statusln("hello", "world", 42) 

Will assign the parameter a the following value:

a := []interface{}{"hello", "world", 42} 

So, you can iterate over this slice a and process all parameters, no matter how many there are. A good and popular use-case for variadic arguments is for example fmt.Printf() which takes a format string and a variable number of arguments which will be formatted according to the format string.

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tux21b Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 10:09
