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What does ":+" mean in Scala


I saw some Scala code written as:

 def next(): Array[String] = someVariable.next() :+ iterator.key 

Where someVariable has a method next() to get the next line and the iterator is of type Iterator[String].

What does :+ mean here?

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jlp Avatar asked May 12 '16 14:05


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1 Answers

On Scala Collections there is usually :+ and +:.
Both add an element to the collection. :+ appends +: prepends.
A good reminder is, : is where the Collection goes.

There is as well colA ++: colB to concat collections, where the : side collection determines the resulting type. If a :++ exists, it is the same as ++. In both cases the left side collection determines the type of result.

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Nabil A. Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 04:11

Nabil A.