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What does "$?" mean in PowerShell

I'm very new to PowerShell. While looking up information about error handling I've found a lot of references to using "$?"

I know that it has something to do with errors but what exactly is it? And where can I read more about it?

All of my Google searches have found nothing.

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Schuyler Avatar asked Jun 21 '13 14:06


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1 Answers

From the The Essential Windows PowerShell Cheat Sheet:

Errors and Debugging: The success or failure status of the last command can be determined by checking $?


> Get-Content file-that-exists.txt
Hello world
> Write-Host $?
> Get-Content file-that-does-not-exist.txt
Get-Content : Cannot find path 'C:\file-that-does-not-exist.txt' because it does not exist.
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-Content file-that-does-not-exist.txt
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (C:\file-that-does-not-exist.txt:String) [Get-Content], ItemNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetContentCommand
> Write-Host $?
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Klas Mellbourn Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 01:10

Klas Mellbourn