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What does it mean that string and character comparisons in Swift are not locale-sensitive?




I started learning Swift language and I am very curious What does it mean that string and character comparisons in Swift are not locale-sensitive? Does it mean that all the characters are stored in Swift like UTF-8 characters?

like image 679
Dmytro Plekhotkin Avatar asked Sep 07 '14 19:09

Dmytro Plekhotkin

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2 Answers

(All code examples updated for Swift 3 now.)

Comparing Swift strings with < does a lexicographical comparison based on the so-called "Unicode Normalization Form D" (which can be computed with decomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping)

For example, the decomposition of


is the sequence of two Unicode code points


For demonstration purposes, I have written a small String extension which dumps the contents of the String as an array of Unicode code points:

extension String {
    var unicodeData : String {
        return self.unicodeScalars.map {
            String(format: "%04X", $0.value)
            }.joined(separator: ",")

Now lets take some strings, sort them with <:

let someStrings = ["ǟψ", "äψ", "ǟx", "äx"].sorted()
// ["a", "ã", "ă", "ä", "ǟ", "b"]

and dump the Unicode code points of each string (in original and decomposed form) in the sorted array:

for str in someStrings {
    print("\(str)  \(str.unicodeData)  \(str.decomposedStringWithCanonicalMapping.unicodeData)")

The output

äx  00E4,0078  0061,0308,0078
ǟx  01DF,0078  0061,0308,0304,0078
ǟψ  01DF,03C8  0061,0308,0304,03C8
äψ  00E4,03C8  0061,0308,03C8

nicely shows that the comparison is done by a lexicographic ordering of the Unicode code points in the decomposed form.

This is also true for strings of more than one character, as the following example shows. With

let someStrings = ["ǟψ", "äψ", "ǟx", "äx"].sorted()

the output of above loop is

äx  00E4,0078  0061,0308,0078
ǟx  01DF,0078  0061,0308,0304,0078
ǟψ  01DF,03C8  0061,0308,0304,03C8
äψ  00E4,03C8  0061,0308,03C8

which means that

"äx" < "ǟx", but "äψ" > "ǟψ"

(which was at least unexpected for me).

Finally let's compare this with a locale-sensitive ordering, for example swedish:

let locale = Locale(identifier: "sv") // svenska
var someStrings = ["ǟ", "ä", "ã", "a", "ă", "b"]
someStrings.sort {
    $0.compare($1, locale: locale) == .orderedAscending

// ["a", "ă", "ã", "b", "ä", "ǟ"]

As you see, the result is different from the Swift < sorting.

like image 142
Martin R Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 02:11

Martin R

Changing the locale can change the alphabetical order, e.g. a case-sensitive comparison can appear case-insensitive because of the locale, or more generally, the alphabetical order of two strings is different.

like image 42
Miro Lehtonen Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 03:11

Miro Lehtonen